Reception area of the Heidelberg Clinic for Prostate Therapy at :medZ GmbH


Clinic for Prostate Therapy

Please send your request to 

Medical enquiry

Order infosheets

Transmission of your patient data

Do you have an appointment with us in the near future? Then please send us your patient data in advance. If you are also transmitting findings, please ensure that these are complete (all pages of the respective findings).

Due to the changeover to a new program, this is not only necessary for new patients, but also for existing patients.

Transmit patient data

Of course you can contact us via phone or email:

Phone: +49 6221 65085-0

Post address & e-mail

Klinik für Prostata-Therapie im Medizinischen Zentrum Heidelberg :medZ
Bergheimer Straße 56a
D-69115 Heidelberg (Germany)
